This is for those of you whom we love but because of our personality "quirks" we seldom stay in touch with, and even for those of you whom might rather we didn't stay in quite so frequent touch. -S&M

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

For Those About To Rock

Halloween is my favorite Holiday. It was around that holiday that Mark and I started dating. For eight Halloweens we've carved jack-o-lanterns and dressed up together. For the past three, we've had kick-ass costumes. A trend that I hope continues.

This year we rocked as Axl and Slash from Guns N Roses. Shawn gave me a cigarette (which I did not smoke but kept in my mouth the whole night) and made me a Jack Daniels label for my Vitamin Water bottle so that I was an authentic Slash. Mark wore cutoffs, a blonde wig and Axl's trademark bandana. If we had entered any costume contests we would have won again. I am sure of it.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Enough Description. Here Are Some Visuals.

Home Sweet Home

Living Room


Thursday, October 18, 2007

Pool Table Fiasco pt. 1

Even before we moved Mark has called the FROG the "Pool Room". The plan was to buy a pool table once we could afford it. But plans change. Our good friend Jeff just so happened to have a pool table in pieces in a closet because it didn't fit in his apartment. So he sold it to us for $1.00.

But there was a catch. The slate was chipped so we would have to replace. No big deal, right?

Wrong. The slate that Mark bought does not fit the table. The holes are not in the right place to screw into the rails. And no one — not Mark or the guy he bought it from who owns a billiards store — can seem to make it work. So for now we have a really nice pool table in pieces on the floor with no set up date in sight.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Is Anyone Else In Love WIth The Pie Maker?

I was a little wary of Pushing Daisies after all of the media hype. This usually doesn't bode well for shows. But this whimsical little show has heart. And humor. And a quirkiness that has the potential to land a coveted spot near the top of my must-see list.
The shy pie maker Ned, his playful alive-then dead-then live again childhood girlfriend Chuck, his afflicted dog Digby that he can only touch with a wooden hand, and voice overs by none other than Harry Potter's narratoe Jim Dale — what more could a girl ask for?

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

A New Hope Revisited

I've hit the one year mark and I an still as excited about working at Talk as I was a year ago. With my one year anniversary came a promotion to Account Executive and a raise. Who knew that it is much easier to do a good job when you enjoy what you're doing?

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