This is for those of you whom we love but because of our personality "quirks" we seldom stay in touch with, and even for those of you whom might rather we didn't stay in quite so frequent touch. -S&M

Thursday, August 03, 2006

A Whirlwind Visit

So Mom and Karen came this past weekend to visit. The arrived at lunch time on Friday and my boss gave me the afternoon off to spend with them. After lunch we went to my house and I gave Karen all of her birthday presents (the highlight being a collection of Mix CDs that I made from my 11 years of mix tapes with individual scrapped covers) which she was appropriately excited about. I love giving her presents because she is so expressive and it makes me happy to see her so happy. :)

We had dinner at a restaurant on the ICW and then went home to watch a few episodes of Veronica Mars because I love it and I think Karen should love it too. Which, thanks to me, she now does!

Saturday we had Dunkin Donuts for breakfast which we took to eat on the beach. (Brings back so many memories of Destin and The Donut Hole) And we spent almost 2 1/2 hours there before Karen was thoroughly bored and wanted to leave to go shopping. So we left and showered and were out shopping by 1 pm. We did stop to eat and grab margaritas in the middle of it, but we basically spent until 6 pm shopping! My sister wears me out. But I got a pair of Rainbows and two awesome t-shirts of of it (Thanks, Mom!) and lots of Christmas wrapping and gift tags, so it's not like it was a bad day of shopping, just very l-o-n-g. Dinner at Bluewater followed with crabcakes and Blue Moon beer for the three girls and Mark had to get the grouper and a Corona to be different. And then more Veronica along with Karen's birthday cake and wine!

Sunday I didn't have to work at Smudged Pot because Mandy rocks! She worked the shift for me so I could spend the morning with Mom and Karen. We had a nice relaxing morning of breakfast and then coffee and a quick stop at A.C. Moore. And then they were off. (I say that like the leaving town part was quick, but it actually took them a long while to find Mark's Walgreens so they could say bye to him)

So the weekend was a lot of fun. So much quality time crammed into less than two full days, but I think it was worth it. I hope they do too. :)


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