This is for those of you whom we love but because of our personality "quirks" we seldom stay in touch with, and even for those of you whom might rather we didn't stay in quite so frequent touch. -S&M

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Tuesday nights are a little less exciting...

Starting last night, and for the next seven (yes, count them 7) weeks, my Veronica Mars timeslot will be usurped by those (expletive deleted for the more conservative readers) Pussycat Dolls. Who would rather watch strippers compete for a chance to be the next pussycat over the classy and witty Kristen Bell? Personally, I don't get it. So my Gilmore Girls will be followed by House in real time (as opposed to DVRing it and watching it later). While House is great, I miss my Veronica. And Logan. And Wallace. And Mac. And Weevil. And...


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