This is for those of you whom we love but because of our personality "quirks" we seldom stay in touch with, and even for those of you whom might rather we didn't stay in quite so frequent touch. -S&M

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Traditional oyster Thanksgiving dinner?

We purchased a 1/2 bushel of oysters in preparation of Mark's family coming down for Thanksgiving. Then, due to some unforseen and sad circumstances, plans changed. And we were still lerft with a cooler full of oysters that I wouldn't touch.

So we did what we've done for all of the other holidays when we couldn't be with family. We called our friends. Krysti, Andrea and John came over and we camped out around the kitchen table and polished off 2/3 of the oysters. The high point of the evening came when Mark broke out the bacon and sharp, white vermont cheddar and John decided Mark needed to add it to the Priddyboy's menu because it was the perfect meal.


krysti.wetherill 1:26 PM  

you know... that should become the new thanksgiving tradition. i loved it so much! you guys are so awesome.

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