This is for those of you whom we love but because of our personality "quirks" we seldom stay in touch with, and even for those of you whom might rather we didn't stay in quite so frequent touch. -S&M

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Bella's Lullaby?

I must confess, I was a dorky fan-girl and went to Hot Topic at the mall last night to hear the unveiling of the Twilight Soundtrack. I only made it though a few songs because I felt like such a dork. While I was not the oldest, I was in work clothes (ie: dressed up in heels) and did not quite mesh with the skulls and goth clothes in the store.
I very desperately wanted to hear two specific songs: Never Think by Robert Pattinson (the lovely Edward) and Bella's Lullaby, composed specifically for the movie. But I didn't want to be lurking around a store with lots of tweens ans teens eying me like I was out of place so I left before either song came on. So today I did what any dorky fan-girl would do after missing out on my songs - I found them on You Tube. They're not the best quality, but I'll take them. Enjoy.


ashley 10:31 PM  

Hey, there's nothing wrong with being a dorky fan-girl. Please see my blog for the Harry Potter & the Half-Blood Prince international trailer for evidence. :)

ashley 10:37 PM  

Hey, there's nothing wrong with being a dorky fan-girl. Please see my blog for the Harry Potter & the Half-Blood Prince international trailer for evidence. :)

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